You Signed Up For a Fight ~ Ep17

There's a battle waiting and we have a choice whose armor we're going to put on, our armor or God's armor. Which one are we going to choose?
This isn't a "normal" fight either, it's not against flesh and blood, but against what the Bible calls the "the cosmic powers over this present...
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Money, Power, and Jesus? ~ Ep16

Our world is full of money and power and Jesus isn't afraid of either of those things... in fact he wants the good guys to have more of both!
It's just that in the kingdom of God we don't utilize our influence in the same way the world does; we use it to serve each other. But what does...
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The Path to Maturity ~ Ep15

How do we experience change and transformation? In areas like fitness we understand that watching a video about fitness or attending a weekly lecture about fitness won't cause us to shed the pounds. We actually have to take action, exercise, and begin to eat healthy!
It's the exact same...
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How To Get Out Of That FUNK!!! ~ Ep14

Have you ever been stuck in a funk? We've all been there. You just feel bogged down and you just can't get going.
It's one thing to feel stuck in your fitness or at work but how do you breakout when you feel stuck in your faith? How do we lay hold of the abundant life that Jesus promised...
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Christians, Social Media and Screen Time

As Christians we endeavor to glorify God in everything that we do. But when it comes to things like social media, television, and screen time there can be real concerns with they way that we conduct ourselves in our viewing habits.
As Christians, how do we glorify God with what we put...
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Love My Neighbor? Really?? - Ep.12

We've all heard we're supposed to "love our neighbor" but, in some ways, we're so familiar with it that it does actually carry any weight? And as Christians, that's a problem. Jesus said it's actually the second most important thing we can do! (And He actually says it's just like the first!)
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Christians Response To Ukraine

The whole world is gripped as we watch the headlines coming out of Ukraine. But as Christians, what can we do? What should be our response?
In this special edition of the Take the Hill Show we look at what we can do right now that will make the greatest impact and we hear practical steps...
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Do You Really Need A Mentor? ~ Tips For Parents - Ep11

In a world full of gurus, influencers, and those who compete for our attention is it still necessary to have mentors in our life?
We can find world-class content in just a few moments on our phones. So, as followers of Jesus, is it still important to live in community? What does that look...
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Stop Judging Yourself ~ Do This Instead... - Ep10

Have you ever heard somebody say, "Don't judge me?!" or "Only God can be my judge!"
It turns out...that's true! That actually comes from scripture. And while that may seem obvious when it come to other people, what about when it comes to judging ourselves? Aren't we supposed to...
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3 Lessons I Learned From Having COVID

It seems like everyone is getting COVID. While there are a lot of voices in the medical space, not as much attention is given to the mental health side. In this episode I share 3 lessons my family and I learned from our recent bout with COVID, so that you can come through it with your sanity in...

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