A Brotherhood of Christian men committed to helping you become the man God’s called you to be through Strategic Groups, Expert Coaching, and Biblical Counseling.
Get started with FREE ACCESS to our online community – Live on mission, multiply your impact, and create legacy.
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A Brotherhood of Christian men committed to helping you become the man God’s called you to be through Strategic Groups, Expert Coaching, and Biblical Counseling.

Get started with FREE ACCESS to our online community – Live on mission, multiply your impact, and create legacy.

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Have a Band of Brothers

Multiply Your Impact

Create Legacy

The Problem...

Most Christian men want to live the kind of life that we talk about on Sunday morning, and yet all too often...
  • we end up feeling frustrated and alone,
  • stuck between our old patterns and the man we want to be.
  • The problem isn’t a lack of information. 
We understand. That’s why at Take the Hill we've created strategic groups for men that provide the coaching, community, and accountability you need. When we decide to stop trying and start training, together we escape the cycle and finally become the man God’s called us to be. 
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Join Our Free Online Community, Escape the Cycle,

and Become the Man God Called You to Be.


A Band of Brothers 

Following Jesus is a team sport; we can’t do this alone… if you’ve tried, then you know. When you join our FREE online community you’ll instantly enter into a Band of Brothers who will pray with you, encourage you, and have your back through thick and thin. This is the secret sauce.

On-Demand Training

We ALL deal with being spiritually overweight and out of shape at times; we consume more than we can obey. You’re not alone. Our expanding course library will help you get the immediate momentum you need to get your spiritual life back on track and ready for battle.

Member Exclusive Content

Get instant access to member exclusive content, masterclasses, leaderboards, rewards, event calendar, local gatherings, and early access to our men's retreats and masterminds. And the best part is, thanks to the generosity of our monthly partners, it's all absolutely free. 

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We Weren't Created To Do This Alone!

We need brotherhood now more than ever before.
Join Take the Hill (Free) and get the brotherhood you need, right now.


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Join For FREE

Join our free Take the Hill online community and get instant access to our on-demand training, member exclusive content, leaderboards, rewards, and local gatherings. The best part is, thanks to the generosity of our monthly partners... it's all absolutely free! 

Get a Plan

Our library of courses, weekly podcast, and group calls will help give you the plan you need to immediately start growing in your faith through very practical and measurable steps. No more drifting, no more winging it.

Become the Man You're Called to Be

As you work through the plan alongside your band of brothers, you'll be surprised how quickly you'll begin to experience true transformation.

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Chuck Yamek
"Before joining Take the Hill I was walking alone, hiding behind my job, totally numb on the inside. Now, I'm living intentionally: spending time with the Lord, and praying with my wife. She said, '"When you come home from this group you're just different; I love it!" I'm so grateful for this group and I love these brothers with my whole heart." 
Albert Samuels
"The biggest thing that I've learned is that I'm not in this alone. At Take the Hill, we all care for each other and we all pray for each other. It's not just about me; I'm a part of something bigger than myself. Take the Hill has given me a playbook that helps me remember what's important. My wife says she's seen that change in me."
Matt Carter 
"I felt directionless and confused about how to live a life of faith. Take the Hill helped me discover there was more to living an abundant life in Jesus than what I had settled for. I learned how to become a man that seeks after God’s own heart and how to lead others to do the same.  I marvel at how God has transformed my life."
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Think about what's really at stake. 

How much is it costing you to stay stuck?

•Your mental and physical health?
•Your career?
•Your marriage?
•Your family?
•Your friendships?

It's too risky. You can't do it alone... None of us can.

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Are you ready?

It's time to stop trying and start training to become the man God's called you to be. It's time to take action.

We're waiting for you on the inside. 

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